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Company Preferences

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Company Preferences is the place where you set up most of your Company Controls with defaults and rules for various modules within FieldOne.

On the Work Menu at the top of the screen, click the System down-arrow, and select Company Preferences.

The Company Preferences screen will appear, opened to the General Tab. Note the Tabs Menu on the left side of the screen:

Note the Buttons at the bottom right of each Tab screen:

OK - to save changes and close the Company Preferences form
Apply - to save changes
Cancel - to reject all changes and close the Company Preferences form

To select the module you want to work with, click on the Tab Menu at the left side of the screen. Each application Tab is described in the topics below.

General Tab
Entity Names Tab
Accounting Tab
Schedule Board Tab
Part Options Tab
Purchasing Tab
Work Order Tab
A/R Tab (Accounts Receivable)
QuickBooks Tab
Features Tab
Starting Numbers Tab
Custom fields Tab
Required Fields Tab
Email Settings Tab
Credit Card Processing Tab
GPS Settings Tab
Security Tab
Misc Tab
Backup Tab
System Reports Tab


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