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Complete a Schedule Slot

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The step to Complete a Schedule Slot is optional, but may be convenient when different staff members are using Schedule Board information.

For instance, the Technician out in the field can use Completed Status to inform office staff that assigned work is finished.
Or again, if Posting is not done daily, office staff may wish to use the Completed Status to mark Schedule Slots that are ready for some other person to Post.

There are several ways to change a Schedule Slot to Completed Status:

On the Schedule Board:
Just right-click on a Schedule Slot and simply choose the Status for Completed
Or, use the Actions button on the lower left of the Schedule Board
1.Select one or multiple (using the CTRL key) Schedule Slots
2.Click on the Actions button, then select Complete Schedule Slots
3.Press Yes for the confirmation message that appears
Or, you can double-click to open the Schedule Slot Details and change the Status to Completed in the Status select-box.
In the Office Manager:
Select the Schedule Manager Tab, then the Uncompleted Slots Tab
Then click to select a Schedule Slot and click on Complete Slot button on the bottom left.
Within the Work Order:
Open the Work Order
Select the Schedule Tab
Select the Schedule Slot detail line you would like to complete.
Use the select-box in the detail line to change the Status to Completed

Please Note:

A Completed Schedule Slot will have the color Gray on the Schedule Board.


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