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Sort, Move, and Resize Columns

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You can perform Sort, Move, and Resize Columns to rearrange the display as you want to see it. When you leave the screen and return, the default view will display. However, you can Save and Restore the screen as you have arranged it.

1.You can Sort Column Items to help search for details. When you left-click on any column header of a DataView window, that column becomes the determiner of order for the screen, with the sort order for the entries there reversed from ascending to descending and vice-versa.
After you sort one column, if you hold down the SHIFT key you can select multiple columns to sort at the same time.
To unsort a column, click on it while holding down the CTRL key.
2.You can Move Columns Left or Right.
3.You can Resize Columns by hovering the mouse over the Column Header until the left or right border arrows (<l>) appear. Then left-click the mouse and Drag-n-Drop the border to the desired width.
4.To Delete Columns, just left-click on the Column Header, do not release and then Drag-n-Drop anywhere outside the DataView borders. If you need to Add Back this Column back again, use the Field Chooser function.


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