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Cust Equip - Details Tab

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The Details Tab contains more specialized information which may or may not apply to a piece of Customer Equipment.

The Actions button on the lower left includes an option to Print Equipment History.

Fields: (For help with data entry, see Field Select Boxes and Field Helpers.)


Serial Number:

The unique identifier (if any) on a piece of Equipment. This number is a number of digits and/or letters. If it exists for this item, then it is usually required when corresponding with the Manufacturer and for warranties.

Year Manufactured:

The year when the equipment was manufactured. This will help you keep track of whether the Equipment is still within the Manufacturer's warranty period.

Date Installed:

The date when the Equipment was actually installed.

Equipment Location:

Short description of where to find the installed Equipment (for instance, in the attic or closet).

Warranty Started:

If your Company provides an Warranty on labor and/or material, enter the date when the warranty started.

Warranty Ends:

If your Company provides an Warranty on labor and/or material, enter the date when the warranty ends


Use this to indicate the Company Branch holding the Warranty. Default comes from the Logon User ID entering the record, if any. (See Lookup Combo Box. To add an entry, click the Ellipsis button () and select New.)


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